Optical bistabilities in cavity optomechanics

Document Type : Review Article


1 Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, P.O. Box 43221 Suez, Egypt.

2 Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, P.O. Box 43221 Suez, Egypt

3 Independent Researcher, 237 Banafseg 7, New Cairo, Egypt.


In this review, we will focus on optical bistability and the condition for its occurrence in cavity optomechanics. We study different optomechanical systems (basic optomechanical systems and hybrid optomechanical systems). we derived an equation that could predict the behavior of the system either bistable, transistor or monostable for each system considered depending on the value of its parameters. This equation is derived using analytical study for functional relation between the incident intensity field as a function of the optical cavity field intensity. Investigating the relation between any physical measurable quantity in the optomechanical system against the incident field intensity and its dependency on fundamental optical cavity field against the incident field intensity. Finally, studying the effects of integrating two types of atomic media into the optomechanical system, and tunability it could provide to the optomechanical system, each medium is separately studied. The atomic medium also tends to squeeze the domain of the bistability within the system relative to the basic optomechanical system


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