The Geochemical Investigation of Fluid types by the Integration of Mud logs and Gas Chromatography, Shushan Basin, Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 geology department. Faculty of Science, Suez University

2 Exploration Department, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City, 11727, Egypt

3 Geology Department, Suez University, Faculty of Science, Egypt

4 Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Suez, 43518, Egypt

5 geology department, faculty of education, south valley university, hurghada, Egypt


The Shushan Basin is the most important basins in the Western Desert. The main target of this study is the investigation of the fluid’s types in the Shiffah and Safa reservoirs and studying the geochemistry of condensate of the upper part of Shiffah Formation (rich sand). The integration between wetness and balance curves indicated the fluid characterization, so Safa Formation and the upper part of Shiffah Formation show curves closer to each other, indicating the presence of condensate. Lower part of Shiffah and middle part of Shiffah formations show separation between the two curves, indicating the presence of oil. The condensate zone has a greater methane ratio and a wet C5 ratio than the oil zone. The C1/C4 ratio is higher than the C1/C3, suggesting that the oil and condensate zones are not wet-water zones. The examined condensates of the upper part of Shiffah Formation were derived from organic material associated with fluvio-deltaic environments. The Condensate of the upper part of the Shiffah Formation located in the more mature zone.


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